Various Wienerschnitzel Work
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(Click on images to view larger and/or other side of pieces)
Left, a series of POP for Tastee Freez Restaurant Chain, produced for Adville/USA, Tastee Freez's Ad Agency.

Click here to see large image of:

1. Patty Melt

2. Caramel Apple Pie Sundae

3. Beefsteak Burger

4. Soft Serve Sandwich

5. Philly Cheesesteak

6. Cinnamon Graham Shake

7. BBQ Pork Sandwich

Below left, window poster.

Below right, kid's calendar.

Above, Wienerschnitzel Holiday Bowl Ad. Click image to enlarge.
Above, 2 Tastee Freez / Wienerschnitzel Translites
Above, 3 Wienerschnitzel Translites at the Anaheim Pond via Studio Arts
Left, Click on image to view sample TV spot.
Below, 3 sample radio spots, For Blake Walls Assoc., Ad Agency
Above, animated logo for Wienerschnitzel
1998 National Operators
Seminar in Maui

Left and right,
materials for
Wienerschnitzel 2000
National Opertators Seminar on Big Island,
< Click on images
to view pdf >
Note: All Wienerschnitzel work presented on this page was done for Adville/USA,
Wienerschnitzel's Ad Agency, except for work done for Studio Arts.
Above, "Las Vegas" and below, "March Madness" Internet Promos
Left, Wienerschnitzel Internet Promo. Above, poster for Holiday Bowl "Wiener Nationals"
Below, one of many logos developed for special hot dog menu items.
Below, long video of live show "rally" for Wienerschnitzel's crew. Event held at House of Blues.
Event was broadcast live satellite at movie theaters throughout cities of Wienerschnitzel's network of stores.
Click image to view show (possible long load time may occur).